Thursday, September 08, 2005

"Would you look at the wingspan on that!"

Another busy day lay ahead for me on the Saturday. First I went with the international orientation people to Toronto Islands. These are a group of beachy islands just off the coast of Toronto and are home to scenic woodland and a small themepark for little kids. It also has a nude beach apparently, but I never did track that down. We had a huge ultimate frisbee tournament which my team won. The prize was free cinema tickets. Can't say fairer than that! During the frisbee tourny there was also an amazing airshow showcasing jet fighter talent and the canadian version of the red arrows. They also had what looked like B52 Bombers flying around! After a packed lunch we then had a sand castle building competition. I suggested to my team that we build a sand sculpture instead and thus we created an alligator! Check out the photo below, we won first prize. The prize was a York University frisbee. Perhaps it was time for another tournament!

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