Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Ex-cellent day

Last week I went to the Ex (NB after this post I will have caught up with myself in time terms). the Ex is the Canadian National exhibition (CNE). It is mainly made up of sideshows and exhibitions. One such exhibition was the butter sculpture corner. Yes, you heard that right, butter sculptures are in fact entertainment in Canada. There was also a giant inflatable cow and a demonstration of battery hen farming, which shocked me to be honest. There was a lot of stalls selling/giving away stuff. I managed to bag myself some free tax return software, not bad for a days work. I also got myself a little ice hockey picture thingy of Mario Lemieux, player and owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins. I also saw a guy getting shot out of a Cannon, went on a huge ferris wheel, which was kinda unsafe as it tilted pretty dangerously and it had no safety bar. I saw a in-line skating/bmx/skateboarding stunt show which was cool. Finally the evening was capped off with a huge fireworks display set to music over Lake Ontario. It certainly was a spectacle to behold. Check out the picture I took!


The P(hil)enguin Master said...

If anybody wants a link to their website from my blog, just let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Anonymous said...

Nice blogging Phil, keep up the good work!