Monday, October 31, 2005

Dude wheres my car!!?

A couple of nights ago I went to a halloween house party in some random downtown neighbourhood. The whole thing was last minute though and I was stuck for a costume, I had ten minutes to come up with one and then it hit me. I could be a ROAD! Yes thats right a ROAD! Have you ever seen anyone dress up in such a unique costume before? Not only would it be unlikely anyone else would be dressed as a road I would also be safe, should I get lost in a dodgy neighbourhood because I would be streetwise, geddit, streetwise :)! Should my streetwiseyness not have protected me and I got injured I was prepared to have a heart bypass, geddit, bypass. I'll stop now, well maybe just one more. If I was taller I would have been a highway, geddit, okay I'll shut up now. Now stop frowning it was funny at the time. However, this halloween story has a tragic ending. That night I had taken my car, sure it was from a kinder surprise and as such a toy, but lets remember people its a convertible. I had taped it on me to really enhance the whole road costume, but it was knocked off at the party. It was very crowded. Somebody might have stolen it. Nevertheless I lost my car that night. If you see it please report back to me. You can find a description of the car below:

White Convertible,
4 Wheel drive,
1.5 inches long approx,
just under an inch wide,
would suit smaller driver,
silver seats (retro stylee),
no engine.

If anyone happens to see this car in their neighbourhood please leave a comment on my blog, so I can chase it up. You can just make out a picture of the aforementioned car on the photo above!

P.S Joe did not go as an accompanying sidestreet, but was in fact a crazy scientist! Also girl in red in pic is Sylvia who showed us how to get to party, but not how to get back, we got horribly lost. Oh well!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Spooky Goonies!

Aye, tis that time of the year when all ye ghosts and ghouls come out to haunt those unsuspecting people. In fact halloween is a massive deal in Canada, scarily so in fact. See I got a pun in! Apparently they have a big problem here with people who ritually sacrifice cats on halloween night. Thursday is pub night, which is actually club night, but we'll forgive them for desecrating the traditional english pubs' name. It was the night where everyone dressed up and boy were there some crazy costumes, from nutty ninjas to playboy bunnies all the way through to THE GOONIES! For those of you, like me, who have no idea what goonies are they are the stars of the popular Disney film of the same name. I was roped into being one of them, which actually involved dressing like I was from Grease, so that was no big deal. Apparently my name was mouth and my character was always looking in the mirror. I would be lying if I said I found it hard to get into character lol! In fact a group of us dressed up as the entire cast of the goonies with Don Donald as the scariest of them all, Sloth.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Mole Men!

Joe and I have discovered a secret tunnel that leads from the Chemistry building right outside Stong to the coffee shop in the mall. It takes about twenty minutes to get there as opposed to the 5 it takes if you just walk outside, but its really cool. Do something interesting today, try and find a secret tunnel near you and see where it takes you! You never know, you might find Narnia!

Swedish Pancake!

I tried my first Swedish pancake last monday. Canadians put jam on their pancakes, pass me the maple syrup anyday. Right now I am revising for my economics mid term, not too exciting, but heck it has to be done. Halloween is coming up and everyone is decorating the common room. Ingeniously they have fixed giant spiders to the lift doors which raise and lower depending on whether the door is open or closed. This evening I went to the Absinthe, a homely english type pub and grabbed myself an all day breakfast, you can't go wrong with that!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Taking photographs at 1 in the morning by the bins!

Yes you read that right and it was all in the name of art. Joe and I meandered downstairs, James Bond stylee, we could have just walked but I had to find some way of celebrating the announcement of the new James Bond. I am very excited that he is blond because it paves the way for future blond bonds, like me perhaps. If the Broccolis are reading this when I am in my late thirties give me a call. Anyhow back to 1 in the morning. Joe and I left Stong and tried to find a suitable arty place to get some good shots for his film project. Naturally we were drawn to some bins and a plastic patio chair. I got some good shots of Joe in a very casual suit in front of rotting rubbish. You see it creates a contrast.

In other news chocolate milk cartons have been seen mooing around campus. No joke, everything you read on these pages is 100% true. When you open certain milk cartons they moo to signify you have won a prize, however you just get a prize voucher in the carton and no milk. Meaghan was the lucky girl who won a personlised phone cover. However, she doesn't have a phone. Oh well!

Check out that fantastic pic photoshopped by none other than Canadian Caitlin herself!

Nee-nar Nee-nar!

That my friends is the familiar sound of a fire engine or as the Canadians would say a fire truck. Yes, not one but two nigths ago the fire alarm went off at 4 'o' clock in the morning. We then had to stand outside for half an hour while they checked the building. Good news though the student fire warden system works. I'll admit I had my reservations. It's always good to get some night air, although I appeared to be one of the only ones in my pyjamas. Maybe Canadians don't sleep and they are in fact a race of robots. Perhaps not, but who really knows.

I have finally finished my Korean History essay, time to revise for the mid terms! I did however watch mean girls yesterday, which was very entertaining and one of the main characters is a girl who graduated from this very university, Rachel McAdams. You may have also seen her in Wedding Crashers. Apparently Caitlin had to watch mean girls as part of her film production course. Well I'll have to admit it is very cerebral lol! Heck, homeworks homework and it is popular cinema.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Welcome Brand New House B!

Hello Baz, Stu, James, Nick and a whole host of new additions. My name is Phil and I lived with that crazy bunch last year. I just wanted to say Hi to Lauren, Sara, Michelle, Daniel and the two other great freshers who I have yet to learn the names of. I hope you guys settle in well and have a great first year. I will probably end up meeting some of you guys next year provided Stu's tea doesn't kill you. Keep an eye on him when he makes it lol!

I wonder if they sell HP fruity?

The next day I explored Cambridge downtown. They had some lovely little shops including a British treats and giftshop, but it was closed! Downtown there are some old buildings (NB old for Canada is anything more than 50 years old). Nobody believes me that my house at home is over 70. I also went to Kitchener and Ayr. Kitchener is just a big town with a mall and houses, not forgetting of course the customary Tim Hortons and Wendys. I also bought a winter coat to prevent myself freezing to death when the hweavy snowfall sets in. Ayr is a small country town; more like a village, though it has nothing on Long Itchington. As it was the holiday weekend most stuff was closed. That evening I checked out the local cinema and saw 'history of violence'. My advice, don't see it as it is terrible. The dialogue is bad and the violence is extreme to say the least. The coolest thing about it is the music though as it is by the same guy who did Lord of the Rings. Viggo is good, but better as Aragorn. I have also seen the Corpse Bride, which is much funnier. The following day I grabbed myself a nice thanksgiving dinner at Caitlins house. Caitlin is in the pics above. Now you can put a face to the mysterious commenter on my blog lol!

Out of the house and into the fire!

Well what a thanksgiving weekend. I spent my time, travelling surburbia and experienced the local Canadian Malls, plus some amazing countryside. First things first I caught a GO train to get there. It was an hour and only cost me 8, yes thats right 8 dollars. That is only three of our English pounds! My first stop was a small town called Cambridge; great houses; great scenary. After that I went for a walk in a really cool forest after passing the Niagra Falls enbankment. The leaves on the trees here turn an amazingly bright red. Check out the now world famous pics! Everyone who lives in Cambridge has huge houses with basements and heated swimming pools. Its crazy! I also went to a nice portuguese cafe!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Thanks for Thanksgiving!

We get a couple of days off for Thanksgiving, so I am going travelling woohoo! I am off to Cambridge in Ontario. Something tells me they may have copied that name from somewhere. I might do a little hiking, but we'll see. Photos will be up next week, so I will fill you in then! Keep having fun and good luck to all those starting/returning to uni.

Teabag man!

Also in the past week I was fencing again. Boy do they work you hard. They even have a life size fencing scarecrow to practice your lunges on. Kim, we need to get one of them for fencing back at York or better still invite Stu to one of our practices! Only kidding Stu, although it would be funny to see you wearing a huge protective suit padded up with teabags. I got two days off uni this week because of Jewish Holidays. Happy Rosh Hashanah everyone :)

Just like a Kit Kat I appear to have taken a break!

Apologies for a lack of updates over the last week or so, but I have been so busy with essays coming out of my ears. At the moment I am writing a paper on the Canadian Military. What military I hear you ask? Exactly I say. I even had to go to the library for it. Its crazy in Canada you take up to 50 books out of the library at a time. How crazy is that! So what have I been up to in the last week or so. Well I went to see an intramural hockey game yesterday between university teams. It was great fun and a cool place to get out of the blazing hot sun Toronto seems to have all the time. I thought it was cold in Canada lol. I also went to a kegger. Its like Ziggys on a bad night! Basically they have 8 kegs of beer and you pay a cover charge to get in. The party is held in a random persons house and that is pretty much it. Joe and I just sat on the nice leather sofa and let the world go by. We were not impressed by the beer at all. Joe after a couple of glasses was found clutching his stomach and yelping in pain as it really hurt his tummy. Ahh lol. While me and Joe tried to find the kegger we had to walk through a really rough neigbourhood. Apparently it is where everyone gets shot, but we did not realise this at the time. I thought it seemed great despite the blood stained pavements. Just kidding about the stains. I best say that before I get a hurried call from mum.