Sunday, February 26, 2006

A little piece of Scotland

I'm fresh off a phenomenal birthday party for one of my best canadian mateys, Val, which involved me and Joe on stage doing 'Hey Jude' on karaoke. It failed to compare however to Val's tremendous rendition of hit me baby one more time, which involved costumes, dodgy looks from the karaoke oraganiser and her brother rocking out (I believe that is the technical term).

Last night it was the penultimate day before Joes 21st, so in time honoured fashion we took in a Scottish Gig. We saw Belle and Sebastien who were actually really good. The lead singer looked like a mime artist, but heck you can't have everything. It was down at the Docks, which sounds shady and underground. Last time I was there I was frisked. This time I escaped being felt up and managed to take in a great concert. Beer prices in Canada lead a lot to be desired however. 7 dollars for a can of Keiths, what is the world coming too. That was pricier than a G and T, my tipple of choice.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Celebrity entrails

Very soon I'm sure to become a celebrity in Canada. I have now been on Canadian TV twice, most recently appearing in a trailer for the Royal Canadian Air Farce - the premier satirical comedy show on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). I had to pretend I was talking to an uber happy Canadian TV presenter before he turned round and spoke to the world wide audience of around 10 million. Check out photos of the studio above.

So thats was the celebrity, here is the entrails - I went to see Body Worlds 2 at the Ontario Science Centre. It was created by that guy who plastinated dead people and turned them into works of art. It was fascinating stuff, but a little creepy. They even had a dead person fencing!

Finally, I was shown this patriotic American Film in the only OmniMax cinema in Ontario. I feel it did not affect me in any way. By the way, have any of you considered joining the US Air Force, its a great opportunity? You get to blow stuff up like tanks and such.