Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Just like a Kit Kat I appear to have taken a break!

Apologies for a lack of updates over the last week or so, but I have been so busy with essays coming out of my ears. At the moment I am writing a paper on the Canadian Military. What military I hear you ask? Exactly I say. I even had to go to the library for it. Its crazy in Canada you take up to 50 books out of the library at a time. How crazy is that! So what have I been up to in the last week or so. Well I went to see an intramural hockey game yesterday between university teams. It was great fun and a cool place to get out of the blazing hot sun Toronto seems to have all the time. I thought it was cold in Canada lol. I also went to a kegger. Its like Ziggys on a bad night! Basically they have 8 kegs of beer and you pay a cover charge to get in. The party is held in a random persons house and that is pretty much it. Joe and I just sat on the nice leather sofa and let the world go by. We were not impressed by the beer at all. Joe after a couple of glasses was found clutching his stomach and yelping in pain as it really hurt his tummy. Ahh lol. While me and Joe tried to find the kegger we had to walk through a really rough neigbourhood. Apparently it is where everyone gets shot, but we did not realise this at the time. I thought it seemed great despite the blood stained pavements. Just kidding about the stains. I best say that before I get a hurried call from mum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah . . . I have to say, the Canadian military doesn't inspire much pride in my heart. I swear though, Jean Chrétien was a pretty good PM!

On a side note for anyone interested in Canadian politics (oh, come on, you all harbour a secret interest), and Phil, to make your essay a bit more bearable, I highly recommend visiting this site:

to download the videos:

for some amusing Rick Mercer (very good Canadian comedian) stuff while he makes fun of Americans . . .. really good stuff. The show is unbelievably funny.

Aaaand, I also found you a video of Jean Chrétien. As I told you, only Canadians would vote in someone who spoke like this as a prime minister. I know he always instilled a deep sense of national pride in me, as a child, and made me feel that yes, Canadians really are one of the more intelligent nations out there (sarcasm: watch the video). As a bilingual nation, of course we would elect a prime minister that hasn't seemed to have mastered either language (really . . . it's absolutely fantastic the way he has managed it).

scroll down to "Chrétien Due Date" - this is off a truly wonderful Canadian political comedy show. Reference to a few of the jokes on there - Chrétien was under fire for a while because a PR woman called Bush a moron in front of reporters, (hence the, "he is a friend of mine")
Also, the proof speech was in reference to when Canada would consider participating in the Iraq war (his answer: when George W. has evidence of WMD: e.g. proof)

Heh . . . have fun, sorry for inundating you with these, but it might make your essay a bit more interesting. Seriously, Chrétien was the most hilarious politician ever.
