Monday, October 17, 2005

Taking photographs at 1 in the morning by the bins!

Yes you read that right and it was all in the name of art. Joe and I meandered downstairs, James Bond stylee, we could have just walked but I had to find some way of celebrating the announcement of the new James Bond. I am very excited that he is blond because it paves the way for future blond bonds, like me perhaps. If the Broccolis are reading this when I am in my late thirties give me a call. Anyhow back to 1 in the morning. Joe and I left Stong and tried to find a suitable arty place to get some good shots for his film project. Naturally we were drawn to some bins and a plastic patio chair. I got some good shots of Joe in a very casual suit in front of rotting rubbish. You see it creates a contrast.

In other news chocolate milk cartons have been seen mooing around campus. No joke, everything you read on these pages is 100% true. When you open certain milk cartons they moo to signify you have won a prize, however you just get a prize voucher in the carton and no milk. Meaghan was the lucky girl who won a personlised phone cover. However, she doesn't have a phone. Oh well!

Check out that fantastic pic photoshopped by none other than Canadian Caitlin herself!


Anonymous said...

So that's what Joe wanted when he asked my assistance with photography.

You two must have felt right at home, in that location.

Ohh . . hahaha . . . she's hilarious. Or not, just fried after 7 consecutive hours of class and now studying for a massive French midterm tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Great photo Phil. Amazing how well trained your personal flock of penguins are! Trying desperatly to think of something witty to say but at 11pm all the brain cells have gone to sleep. Missing you babe, lots of love Mumx