Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Que bec pour quois?

It was another day, another hostel and it was flippin freezing. Honestly we are heading further towards the arctic and the don't turn the heating on, so I was shivering all night with my little blue blanket. The blanket was provided it was not a comforter that I take around with me, honest. In fact this blanket was made with the finest French Cotton. Talking of French many people in Quebec can't speak English and boy did that make ordering things hilarious. I tried my best to integrate with the French culture of course. Actually within five minutes of entering Quebec I had seen my first Frenchman spit. Ah continentalism. Seriously though Quebec is a very attractive city reminiscent of olde worlde Europe. It had great views over the St Lawrence River (see photo) and generally had some nice little shops to see. We went to an interactive museum with a great Quebecois guide who used to teach in Birmingham of all places. He said he could understand a bloody word they said. The museum showed how the British conquered Quebec and so out of protest the French dumped 4 tonnes of tea into the river. When tea soc finds out I don't know what they'll do, but you can guarantee blood will be spilt or at least of couple of cups of tea. I can see Stu now crunching a chocolate hobknob with his bare hands in disgust :D We also travelled on a vernicular and went down an ice chute on a sledge, great fun and very very fast. We then stocked up on cheap Canadian CDs for the ten hour journey home!


Anonymous said...

Scarey or what! Wouldn't have got me on that. Both Montreal and Quebec look as if they are really interesting; would like to visit one day..

Anonymous said...


Hope you had a good Christmas - staying with Peter and Barbara at the moment and having a nice time. Try and keep warm as it looks from your photos as though you are having plenty of snow. Thought your pictures were excellent. Speak to you soon.
